Friday, July 18, 2008

Bad FAAN, good article

Since the corn allergic got such a cold shoulder from FAAN (they used to put out the completely non-scientific, erroneous and insane information that there was no such thing as a corn allergy, and the corn allergic used to point out how much money they took from groups like Kraft who don't want to start labeling corn in their food. ) They have now admitted, that yes corn may be an an allergen in a few rare cases. Wow! Science! (No we are not bitter about this at all. Notice me not raising money for them again this year at the Denver Walk for Food Allergies, and I like to organize people for this kind of thing.) I still feel compelled to point out that the group that is supposed to be the spokesgroup for food allergies does not feel bound by good science or basic common sense. Bad FANN, no $$ or love for you from those of us with a corn allergy, if I listened to you, I would be dead. Thanks!

So, I love it when corn is mentioned in the mainstream press a a cause of food allergies and food sensitivities. Also, this is just a good article with some nice hints and products:
Allergy-Free Summer Living
also at

Here is another article about a mom and her child with multiple food allergies, including corn. She started a store for people with food allergies. Go Mom! If you are in Virgina Beach, check out Navan Foods: The Allergy Free Food Shop.

Hope you are enjoying your summer, I am counting the hours till the farmers market tomorrow morning!

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